Monday, May 21, 2012


Route, EGLL, London Heathrow to OMAA, Abu Dhabi. FMGEC initialised and flight plan uploaded. Yes, nowadays we don't have to programme the flight plan into the computer anymore, just type in the flight number and the flight plan will be loaded automatically.
That will give more time for me to feed in the info into my iPad, so that I can have the route map drawn on the iPad. With the 3G model, aircraft position shown , as a purple plane symbol in a circle as above. The coordinate also can be checked.

Ready to go, all doors closed and tow truck connected. The camera is very handy beside used a guidance during taxi. Only 340-600 and 500 have this features.

when we reached the holding point for runway 09R, few planes already there waiting for their turn for take off. With the precise timing by the controller and good cooperation by the pilots, within 3 minutes, 2 planes can take off.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

In The Lion's Den

First of all, let me tell you that I am a fan of Manchester City, not only wearing the jersey, I am flying the plane with City livery.

So, somewhere in the end of March, I got 36 hours lay over in Manchester. Since at that time people talking so much about MU, one nice morning I took a train from the airport ( our hotel near the airport ) headed towards Piccadily and then took another train to Old Trafford. Did not take long, the one way journey was about one hour only.
This is the exit point from the train station of Old Trafford, I walked about 700 meters to the stadium.

At the front of the stadium, reached there at 0930 am, still quiet, not many people around. It was Sunday morning though.

Even the merchandise shop still close, open only at 1000 am. Must be a lot of guy selling fake or imitation MU merchandise..  Chinese products are everywhere.. haha.

In the MU Museum, standing beside Giggs collection.

The stadium, can smell the fresh green grass.

In the locker,changing room.

I was sitting on Rooneys bench.

The drawing board for them to discuss the tactic against the opponent.

This was the guy who took us for the tour around the Old Trafford.

And finally, congratulation to Manchester City, the noisy neighbour, for winning the EPL Cup.